Monday, March 27, 2006


I don't really like my photo taken, because it never looks like me.
It's my fate to have the jelly face of a born mimic, and I can impersonate Jack Nicholson, Elvis, the Queen, Beavis, Brittney Spears, etc.

I'm even guilty of brief comedic skits, like Flock of Seagulls guy tries to be a gangsta. But that's usually the gin mixed with wine mixed with the richest chocolate cake on earth egged on by other drunk peoples' laughter.

So. Photo shoots are hilarious. Keep a straight face?
I have a tendency to smile like the cat who ate the canary, eyes all squinty and pointy teeth showing.

Look off in the distance? And I think dum-da-DUMMMM! Supergirly!
I just need a black cape.

Stop smiling we're being serious here, pensive, seductive, demure.
Quit giggling.

Okay, okay, try looking at your hip.
Just... move around a little.

Be natural. Relax your shoulders.

And of course when anyone tells you to relax you know it's useless. You might as well just roll around on the floor.

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My Photo
Location: Pecos Wilderness, New Mexico, United States

This is the time and the record of the time. I'll avoid definition as much as humanly possible. We can never step in the same river twice. Cold mud and fast currents and rocks and roots entangle, hot and fecund in the summer and frozen slow in the winter. Subject to change. I dream of Paradise.