It’s not that I’m not writing, I’m just not writing the regular stuff of wispy wind and riverwater. Choreography, or dancewrite, a record and means of remembrance, has consumed my hours and thoughts. I don’t know if you would understand it but when it's loose and under construction and open to improvisation it looks like this--
sweep step
maya choo choo
arms slow lift & fall, pause with both up
rock back step, spin, shoulder shimmy
cross push maya to Lt,
undulate in place
then to Rt
triplet around in figure 8
out push maya to Lt
undulate in place
then to Rt
crescents around
ommis and circles
hand to temple
chest drop, level down
big shimmy up
camel, arabesque
turn 180*
facing back shimmy on the up with rhythm
slow lean back to side, to other side
face front
level down (
shoulders with oud
level up
hips & belly with oud
Rt side turn, side hip figure 8
hip tock tock tock!
turn, side hip figure 8
hips & belly with oud
reverse camel accent
turn, back bend
pivot step, spin, shoulder shimmy
level change spin
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