Monday, October 23, 2006

Cairo Night

Our promo pic.
This picture was of a handful in which my expression didn't say, "Um, why am I here and what am I wearing?" The other ladies look fabulous! Va va voom.

We packed the place for our show on Saturday night, and we all danced very well, hooray! I love dancing with these girlies, we have fun. You should hear the conversations in the green room. No, on second thought, you shouldn't.

We're supposed to get together for a video-review of the show next weekend; can't wait to see it. I haven't seen video of myself dancing in a few years, so it'll be good to have an idea about what needs improvement... there's always something.

I had four(!) costume changes. My final solo was to the love song Enta Omri, plus a drum solo. I draped my white veil around my love's neck.

Here's a blurry photo from someone's cell phone, my silver glittery most comfortable costume, feeling demure and in love, anticipating the music's downbeat. Here is comes...

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Location: Pecos Wilderness, New Mexico, United States

This is the time and the record of the time. I'll avoid definition as much as humanly possible. We can never step in the same river twice. Cold mud and fast currents and rocks and roots entangle, hot and fecund in the summer and frozen slow in the winter. Subject to change. I dream of Paradise.