Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dance Business

The dance studio where I've been teaching for a full year is moving out of town, so I'm searching for a new space that can accomodate my ever-growing class. It's not easy finding dance studio space; many places don't rent their studios, and too many are condescending or assume much when I say I'm a Middle Eastern Dance instructor.

I actually had one woman tell me she didn't want "that" in her studio. So not only do I tread the waters of misconception, I swim upstream trying to find new studio space.

Even if the owners of the studio have no comment on the style of dance, they are, for the most part, pains in the ass.

I called a number of studios the other day. One woman who answered mentioned her name, and the name of the studio.

I asked if they rent the space for classes.

She said they haven't in the past, but may begin doing so, and wanted to know the

I explained it would be a contract through the community college, and that it's one morning a week teaching bellydance.

She reiterated they don't normally rent the space out, but may consider it.

I asked if the space would accomodate about 30 students.

Instead of answering, she asked what size room was I currently renting.

I explained it was about 30 by 20, and that something bigger would be better.

She asked what was the studio called and why was I looking for a new place.

I told her the name, and said it was moving.

She said to check back with her, because although she didn't normally rent the space, she might consider it.

I thanked her and asked her for her name. Having called over 50 people before noon, I wanted to verify the correct name.

"I told you that already, didn't I," she said and it wasn't a question so I didn't say anything.

"I am sure I told you my name already." I still held my silence, thinking to myself she just eliminated the chance that I would rent from her.

"My name is Jessica and my family established this studio 45 years ago."

I thanked her for her time and lied through my teeth when I said I'd check back later. There's no way I would lease with such a high-toned bitch. I can only imagine the fuss if I failed to turn off these lights but not those lights, or if I forgot to sweep after my class. No, thanks.

Monday, May 08, 2006

An evening conversation

We did it again.

Sometimes I forget to smile but you've got it covered. Sometimes you move too fast and I say slow, slow.

Dancing together is something else entirely.

Mostly I don't even have to look for you because there you are because I know you are there.

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Location: Pecos Wilderness, New Mexico, United States

This is the time and the record of the time. I'll avoid definition as much as humanly possible. We can never step in the same river twice. Cold mud and fast currents and rocks and roots entangle, hot and fecund in the summer and frozen slow in the winter. Subject to change. I dream of Paradise.